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Peace: The Closet Book, My Record Book of Prayers

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Peace: The Closet Book, My Record Book of Prayers

Peace! It can't be bought, borrowed, begged, or bartered. Why? Because the world is out of our control. Change is constant. Life happens. There are no guarantees. Only in the Unchanging One and His Word can we find staying peace.

Hope: The Closet Book, My Record Book of Prayers

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Hope: The Closet Book, My Record Book of Prayers

Hope - just how important is this state of mind? Have you ever seen a happy person who has lost hope? Nope. Hope puts the H in happy. It is the dazzling glow of the sun hidden behind a cloud. The pounding heart of a groom as the bridal chorus climaxes.


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Strength: The Closet Book, My Record Book of Prayers

Strength! There aren’t enough muscle-building hours in the gym to lift a downcast spirit, a bruised heart, a weak will. Pep talks can pump us up, but they are like hot air in a balloon. Strength isn’t an add-on. It is the sinew of our existence. Untiring strength only comes from One who is never weak.

Courage: The Closet Book, My Record Book of Prayers

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Courage: The Closet Book, My Record Book of Prayers

Courage! Most of us will never stand in a field across from an armored, nine-foot giant like David did. But sometimes in life we face giants just as big as Goliath. The first steps into the chemotherapy room. The days following the loss of someone deeply loved. Broken trusts. Addictions. Costly mistakes. Defeats.

Direction: The Closet Book, My Record Book of Prayers

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Direction: The Closet Book, My Record Book of Prayers

Direction! Have you ever had someone give you directions followed by, “It’s obvious! You can’t miss it!”? That is a dead give-away that I am going to get lost. Getting directions to a restaurant is one thing, but it’s a different matter when you need direction in your life. Life isn’t as simple as turn right at the second light. Because, even if you think you know where you are going in life, no one knows when the turns will come.

Restoration: The Closet Book, My Record Book of Prayers

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Restoration: The Closet Book, My Record Book of Prayers

Broken? Out of place? Damaged? Falling apart? It happens to phones, chairs, houses, cars, and buildings but, sadly, these things also happen to people. Lots of things make broken people – loss, injury, failure, faults are a few. But a broken heart can’t be fixed with duct tape. A defeated spirit can’t be patched and pumped up like a flat tire.